Monday, January 16, 2017

Elephant & Chevrons for baby

I just wanted to say hello. It's been a while.

In mid-November, I was experiencing some discomfort in my back (I've had some back issues in the past).  I was visiting my chiropractor to be treated for it.  Usually, his adjustments help me. But, one day, my entire right leg (on the outer side) including the foot...went numb.

Scared the life out of me.
My leg was numb, and it was very painful to sit for anything more than 5 or 10 minutes.
In the months since then, I have spent many, many hours lying flat on the floor, took steroid packs to reduce the swelling, iced my back over and over and over again, and began physical therapy twice a week shortly before Christmas.  I'm still doing PT, and continue with my exercises to be done at home.

I've got a herniated disc or discs, and people ask, "What did you do to yourself??"
Honestly, I don't know what was the straw that broke the camel's Colleen's back.
Apparently, I've got arthritis in some of the discs on my spine.
I sit for almost 10 hours total each day, five days a week, working full time, hunched over a computer.
I have a hobby that involves lots of sitting (wink).
And, admittedly, I don't exercise enough.

Slowly, I am getting better, but it's taking a while.

I just wanted to say hello and let you know I have missed being in this blog space with those of you who visit.  I hope you had a beautiful holiday season, a blessed Christmas, and spent precious time with loved ones.

Planning to come here again as soon as I am able.
Until then, many blessings to you!!