Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Inspired by a Bathing Suit

When I saw a recent cover of Parent's Magazine, I knew I had a card in the making. The little girl model wore a ruffled swimsuit that just begged to be translated into ruffled layers of punched cardstock. As I looked at her swimsuit, I started immediately thinking in terms of Stampin' Up!'s colors....Melon Mambo, Regal Rose, Pink Pirhouette, Pumpkin Pie, Green Galore, Gable Green and Soft Sky.

I had recently made an all-white card using this same idea of using virtually only punches to decorate my creation. It was so fun to make.

I belong to a group on Splitcoaststampers called The Punchkateerz, a wild and wonderful group of ladies who love their punches. I do believe these cards more than fit the bill for a punchaholic's dream come true.

Happy Stamping,


Bathing Suit Card
Stamps: Picture This by Stampin' Up!
Paper: Melon Mambo, Regal Rose, Pink Pirhouette, Pumpkin Pie, Gable Green, Green Galore, Soft Sky, Whisper White
Punches: Martha Stewart Lace Doily border, scalloped oval and large oval by SU
Other: Melon Mambo and Basic Black markers by SU, dimensionals
White Anniversary Card
Stamps: Teeny Tiny Wishes by SU
Paper: Whisper White
Ink: Basic Black
Punches: Martha Stewart border punches, SU Punched Scallop border, scalloped oval and large oval (SU)
Other: dimensionals, small half pearls


  1. Colleen, I didn't even know that's your real name. Hee Hee, I'm the first one to comment on your new gallery. Can I call you Blondzi on this too???? Don't want to mess up your nice gallery if you want to keep that on SCS!! I don't really blog hop too much, but I just had to add my name to your follower list!! That's what Punchkateer friends so for each other. CONGRATS on your blog!!

  2. Well, I guess I'll be second, after Pamzi, to comment on your gallery. Just came for a look at the magazine with the adorable swimsuit that inspired your awesome card. Have fun with your blog.

  3. Hi Colleen!! I LOVE your blog--you are doing a spectacular job on it so far!! Great cards on this post. I just loved your original all-white punched borders card (what an awesome all-white card!), but I think you've topped it with the swimsuit-inspired card!!!! I just loved reading about your thought process for making that (matching up all the SU colors--hee, hee!) and LOVE that you were inspired to make a card by something you ran across in everyday life. Very cool. I'm looking forward to reading more and more about your everyday-life inspirations!!

    Congratulations!! Keep up the good work!!


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