Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sweet Happy Bird-day

Hi everyone!  Our family had a wonderful trip to Disney World, jam-packed full of wonderful moments.  It was both hard and easy to come home.  I am SUCH a homebody that I was happy to get back to NJ, but part of me misses the ease of vacation:  no cooking, cleaning, or driving.  And the Disney folks make everything about your stay so 'magical', it is hard to leave that. 

I promised my blogging friend Marisa that I would say hello to Tigger for her.  He sends his love, Marisa!

Now on to my latest card:

I was inspired by the Splitcoast Free For All 28 Challenge, "Birds of a Feather", which asks you to use anything related to birds PLUS one color not often used in your own personal repertoire.  Barely Banana is a color I don't gravitate to much, so I used that here.

Another challenge:  Flourishes is turning 3, so we are to make a birthday card for them.   No problem there, because it's also my Mom's birthday this week, so this card will be on its way to Texas today.

I'm so happy to be back at card-making again!

Happy Stamping,

Stamps:  Let Them Eat Cake (Flourishes), Touch of Nature (SU)
Paper:  Very Vanilla, Barely Banana, Basic Black, dp from La Creme Matstack by DCWV
Ink:  Basic Black, Stazon Black
Other:  sharp scissors, SU markers, dimensionals


  1. You are too sweet, Colleen. Thanks for the wonderful picture of Tigger!! He just makes me smile :) Ready to run into those wide open arms for a hug LOL!

    Glad to hear you had a wonderful vacation and I'm sure you have some great memories.

    Your card is gorgeous. Love the DP you used in the BG and your bird is wonderfully coloured.

  2. Now how beautiful is this combination of the cake and bird! Gorgeous Colleen!

  3. Colleen, this is gorgeous! Love the way you combined these stamps and challenges and put the "sweet" on top!

  4. Hi, Tigger!! What a fun photo! I'm so glad you had a great vacation--sounds like you all had fun. Let's hear it for Disney :)

    Love this bird card! Barely banana? Good choice for something not gravitated toward much. I think it makes a smashing combo with black for this card. Love your "gold finch!"

  5. Love this awesome card! Barely banana looks great with the black. Beautiful bird! Tigger looks very happy saying hello to Marisa. LOL

  6. Gorgeous! Great birthday card and I love your monochromatic colour and paper choice!

  7. Beautiful. I like the warm and cozy feel to this. Great card.


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