Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Snowflake Grid

Merry Christmas!  Hope you all had a wonderful holiday.  Our family is enjoying the break from school and work (though I work a couple of nights this week; no big deal) by getting lots of rest, playing with new toys, and visiting with family.  Yesterday we went to Philadelphia to the old Wanamaker building (now Macy's) to see the Christmas Light Show.   It is a holiday tradition around here; I remember seeing it when I was a child.  Here's a picture from the website linked above:   

Then we had lunch at the Reading Terminal Market, where you can get just about any type of food you want.  My husband and I ate Middle Eastern food, but the kids opted for hamburgers.   We brought dessert home:  pineapple pie and rich chocolate cake from an Amish bakery there.  Mmm!

I did get a little bit of crafting time in so far this week, but much of it I cannot show you yet.  I am getting prepared for my new position as Private Blend Designer at The Play Date Cafe.  That is still my best Christmas present!!  I'm anxious to share new creations each week based on the unique color stories presented by Julie Ranae and Sarah Anderson, owners of the Cafe.  Please do come play!

Today's card is a simple one...

I was hoping to use a new snowflake punch on this card, but I received the very same one again!  Need to exchange it for another.  :(

The card is 5 1/4" square, and I tried out my new Martha Stewart Scoring Board around the edges.  What fun! 

I pulled out all the blue scraps of Stampin' Up! cardstock I own and there are sooooo many shades.  I don't even know all the names any more, because many of them were In Colors long gone. 

I used a ruler to help me align all of the snowflakes.  They were each popped up on dimensionals, and pearls were added.  Isn't it pretty? 

Challenges entered:
Remember my Blog Candy Contest from a few weeks ago?  My winner never showed up, and I allowed extra time because of the holiday.  I am re-drawing a name right after I am finished with this post.  Best of luck to you all!

Thanks for joining me today.  Happy New Year!!


Paper:  white by PTI, various blues by Stampin' Up!
Punch:  Arctic Snowflake by Martha Stewart
Other:  pearls by Queen & Co., dimensionals, MS Scoring Board


  1. Hi Colleen

    WOW those lights must be amazing to see in the flesh, so to speak. Your card is gorgeous I love the design, thanks for joining us at pollycraft

    Joey x

  2. Gorgeous snowflake card, Colleen!! Love the different tones of blue. That Christmas tree light show is amazing!!

  3. This snowflake grid is so pretty, Colleen! I love all the different shades of blue. Too bad about the duplicate snowflake punch--I really love that shape, it's so delicate. The snowflake punch I have seems too chunky to me!!! (Maybe I should put it on a diet??) Sounds like you had a great trip into Philly!! Hope to catch up with you soon. :)

  4. Absolutely fabulous, Colleen! I love the pearls!

  5. Very pretty, Colleen! And, you did a good job with that ruler..everything is perfectly aligned. Sounds like a fun trip to Philadelphia...wonderful family times. Too bad about the SAME punch....bummer!

  6. Simply beautiful Colleen! Love all the snowflakes and pearls!

  7. I read about your new assignment at the Play Date Cafe and wanted to come and say congrats! No wonder you were chosen. You're really good at this stamping thing! This card is beautiful and simple and loaded with style. Love all those blues so perfectly arranged. Good luck with the challenges, and happy new year coming soon!

  8. Beautiful design, Colleen! CAS and lovely!
    Sounds like you had a lot of fun in Philly...we're so lucky that we're close to so much culture! I love living in New Jersey...even when we get 20" of snow dropped on us~
    Looking forward to seeing your new PBD creations for the Play Date Cafe...I know they're going to be GORGEOUS!!

  9. Lovely card! I have that punch and used it loads on my Christmas cards! Thanks for taking part in the MTTC challenge xx
