Monday, June 13, 2011

Blog Candy Winner!

...and the winner of my Anniversary Blog Candy is.....

Stacey G.- 2 Craf-t-4u

who said:  "Congrats again Colleen! 1 year is very exciting. I love how you have showcased your cards over the last year. I don't think I have enough of ones I like to do that. ALL of yours are gorgeous!!! I can't pick a favorite it is too hard! OK I'll try... I love the black, white, & green butterflies as well as the green pink & lilac image! It was a tie! Does that mean we might win our favorites! LOL! Just kidding!"

True Random Number Generator 24 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Stacey, please contact me by Thursday, June 16, 2011, with your snail mail address so I can get your goodies out to you.  :0) 

Thank you to everyone for leaving me feel-good comments about my one year blogging anniversary.  I've enjoyed every minute of blogging and sharing my creations with you all.  :)

Here's to another year of blogging!



  1. Just saw you had a winner on my dashboard. Congrats to Stacey!

  2. Thank You Colleen! This is a happy start to Monday! Congratulations again! I hope to get my candy up this week, so I will let you know. I am so excited! I am a little kid when it comes to winning! I will contact you with my info.

  3. Congrats Stacey! Looking forward to another fabulous year of your creations, Colleen (((hugs)))
