Thursday, November 17, 2011

Play Date Cafe 108 - Sock It To Me

Maroon, copper and turmeric are the colors for this week's Play Date Cafe challenge.  Pretty exotic, huh?
Well, my creation is not at all exotic, but instead features an item we all use at one time or another:  a sock!

Isn't it cute??  My mind went blank at first when I saw that I had to combine these colors with a stamp set I have from our sponsor, Lawn Fawn, a set I love, by the way.  It's called My Silly Valentine.
I looked at the pair o' socks and thought, "Aha!  A gym sock, with glittery bands of our challenge colors!"

I sketched a sock free-hand, based on the shape of the socks in the stamp set.  I set the template over a 4.25" x 5.5" card and began trimming away the excess.  Easy peasy!

Here's a better look at those shimmery bands:

I used Martha Stewart glitter in Fire Opal, Carnelian and Cinnabar and some strips of Scor-Tape double-sided adhesive to create the lines.  My kids adored this little sock!

Feeling inspired by these colors?  Link up your creation in our gallery at The Cafe HERE.  Because of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday (here in the US), this challenge will last for TWO WEEKS!  Go to the Play Date Cafe for more details.

Thanks so much for coming by today!


Stamps:  My Silly Valentine - Lawn Fawn
Paper:  white - PTI
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black - Tsukineko
Other:  black journaling pen - SU; Martha Stewart glitter - Fire Opal, Carnelian, Cinnabar; Scor-Tape


  1. Cute card, Colleen :) I spent a good five + minutes matching a ton of these up today. Love the sparkle.

  2. Oh, this is just darling! So so fun and I love the glitter for the sock stripes! Perfect free handing! You Go Girl!

  3. Oh my gosh how fun this sock card is. How fabulous it turned out. This could be a great invitation Birthday Party. The ideas are just rolling in my head. I love the colors, Copper, Maroon, and Turmeric. I just might have to play this challenge. lol Beautifully done. So creative!

  4. This is just too cute..

    Hugs, Linda

  5. Just how cute is this free hand job? What fun and a total surprise for us. It's a unique take on the challenge and I love it.

  6. Very cute! When my daughter was little we always had to search for socks with sparkles!

  7. How fun is this! My son looks at pictures of when he was little and says mom why did you dress me in those socks with stripes and Bart Simpson t-shirts! Because that's what YOU picked out at the store kiddo ~ mom I want this SOOO BAD!!! :)

  8. Well, you did such a fantastic job with the stamp set and the colors, Colleen! This is absolutely PERFECT in every way! LOVE those glittery stripes! The next duo coming up has me COMPLETELY stumped! Aaaaah!

  9. OHHH! I just love love love that glittered sock! I LOVE this entire card! SOOOOOOO clever! You are amazing!! Super cleveR:)

  10. Way too CUTE!! It's a great CAS look and very clever! Thanks for inspiring!

  11. Um, this card knocked MY socks off! It's absolutely brilliant!!! GLITTER STRIPES?! Awesome! :)

  12. Very clever, Colleen! Such a cute card. ;)

  13. Your sock card is so cute. I love those glittery stripes. :) Ann Y.

  14. Oh this is just SOOO cute Colleen and I love what you wrote about it too, not at all exotic, that made me giggle. Ooh I think I need to find me some of that fab glitter, what gorgeous colours!
