Monday, June 25, 2012

Shabby Chic Toile

So....when I was brand-new to card-making several years back, the only game in town for me was Stampin' Up!.  It was at an SU party that I fell hook, line and sinker for the world of stamping.  I didn't even know then that other stamp companies existed, and when they did start to enter my peripheral crafting vision, I thought there was no WAY they could be as good as SU.  (happily, I was proven wrong -- but SU stamps still hold a special place in my heart)

Since my foray into stamping began, I have tried many different stamp companies and have fallen in love with various lines.  Can't believe I ever thought I could never cherish clear stamps:  now, they are my fave type of stamp.  The rubber variety sits largely unused around here lately.

That is, until this afternoon.  My delicious box full of Unity stamps (I'm pretty much new to the brand.  Thank you, Emily, for enabling me) arrived, and I had a chance to play with a few tonight.  OH. MY. GOODNESS.  I LoVe the stuff!  I can see how addicting this will be, this Unity stuff (again, *thanks*, Emily ;).

I'm tying together a summer theme for some of the challenges listed below.

I used Pale Plum for the Tea Time Toile background stamp.  It's a little tough to see, but there are kids climbing trees on this stamp.  So fun for summer!  The clear, dotted acetate panel was in a $1.00 Scrap Bag from my Stampin' Up! demo a long time ago.  I thought it added a fun edge to this card.

The birds stamp is from Play in the SUN, and the sentiment is from a set by the same title.  There's a canvas circle behind the birds; that's something from my local craft store.

And speaking of the sentiment, there's some symbolism going on there.  After stamping it, I cut a "V" on one end, inked all the edges, then roughed 'em up with my fingernail.  Then I crumpled it, and attached it to the card.  All that distressing and rumpling symbolizes ME before school let out.  (anyone who follows my blog knows how stressful these last couple of months were for me (it's ALL good, but it was all too much) (this part ties in with the Simon Says Stamp challenge).   The sentiment is there to remind me that summer will refuel my soul.

Challenges entered:

Did you see the new Paper Crafts special issue called Stamp It! yet?  I've got a birthday card on page 49! 

Thanks for visiting!  You've made my day.  :o)

Dimensions:  4.25" x 5.5"
Stamps: Tea Time Toile, Play in the Sun, Relax,Renew,Restore - Unity
Paper: white - PTI; dotted clear sheet - SU
Ink: Pale Plum, Early Espresso, Soft Suede - SU
Fibers: cream lace - Spare Parts
Other: canvas circle - AC Moore; pearls - Queen & Co.; Big Shot; circle die - Spellbinders


  1. What very pretty and shabby card Colleen!! I love that plum color! The stamp is great - Unity has some of my favorite stamps. If I stay on their web site too long I get into trouble!!

  2. Very pretty, Colleen! I really like the addition of the dotted acetate.

  3. much to look at but so well done! Congrats on being in Stamp It mag! Gotta try submitting soon =)

  4. Your card is amazing! And I love that stamp set - very unique.


  5. Love all of the tattered edges here Colleen, great card! Congrats on the magazine ~ hugs!!

  6. Colleen...your card is lovely. I love the Unity stamps that you've used to create such a "restful" card. Your distressing around the edges by inking and roughing them up looks great! I also love your little bits of bling and lace. Very pretty card! Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. <3 Candy

  7. Well aren't you becoming the Published Queen! Good for You! Wonderful vintage type card - love the lace~

  8. Such a classy and elegant card Colleen. You have mad stamping skills. :)

    Congrats on being published! :)

  9. Love the super shabby of this card Colleen! You found the perfect home for the acetate sheet!

  10. Beautifully done. Glad to see Emily is enabling you ;) June is always a blurr for me with so much going on too. Nice to have a slower pace in the summer and get caught up on some reading :) Congrats on the publication!

  11. So BEAUTIFUL and so You! LOVE this!
    Hugs, Karin

  12. so very charming, colleen--love this:)

  13. Birds....well, that did it. Love them, as you know. What a pretty, vintage creation.

    Congrats on your Stamp IT! card.

  14. Simply stunning, elegant and beautiful Colleen!
    And big congrats on getting published, well done you!

  15. Love these soft pinks and creams, the lace, the pearls, so feminine! I especially love the toile!

  16. I am in trouble with the addiction too. ;) I love your card~gorgeous shabbiness.

  17. You do this style so well dearie! I love that background ; such a lovely addition and a perfect way to display the bird stamp. And your sentiment; just do it. Relax :)
    Gorgeous; as usual:)

  18. What a gorgeous card dearie and congrats on your Stamp It! pub!! Thanks for playing again in the Stampendous! June Summer challenge!!

  19. Love the card esp that frayed lace but the color is really great too. I need take the advice of the sentiment!

    Oh, and another publication! Gotta find this issue and check it out.

    I think I will take a little R&R and take a nap with the dog. I gotta take what I can get! Then, I maybe will go stamp with some friends tonight.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  20. Awwwwww, I'm blushing over here, Colleen!! Thanks for the sweet shout-out :). And I'm so glad that you not only tried Unity, but that you LOVE your new stamps! I just *knew* you'd love these--so many great shabby/vintage stamps to choose from there.

    And I LOVE this awesomely shabby card! It turned out great, Col. The toile background looks super (I can't wait to play with mine now--got a notification that my order shipped today!), and I love how you added the dotted transparency. Great work on all of the challenges!

  21. Oh, yes, very beautiful, shabby, and oh, so chic! The dotted acetate panel is a fabulous touch. Lovely stamps!

  22. A shabby delight for the eyes, I love the subdued colors, the distressing and the acetate is a gorgeous accent! And congrats on your fantastic for you!

  23. That's a really sweet card, I especially like the lace you chose for it. &the matte behind your circle really ties the lace in nicely!

  24. Wow, Colleen, you sure got some fun goodies! The sentiment really grabbed me! What a wonderful thought and so appropriate for vacations. I love the silhouettes and the background.

  25. Colleen, this is shabby goodness all right. The distressing is just right and love your new stamps. There is just so much out there to choose from and so little time to play, oh my! Hope your summer is the best!
    Thanks for sharing at Sugar Creek Hollow this week.
    Patti SCH/DT

  26. This card is wonderful. The sabby look it has is just makes me smile.. LOVE it..

  27. Really great images!! Love that background!

  28. Congratulations on getting published - I hope you'll link up at 52 Card Pickup this week!

  29. Congratulations on getting a card in the magazine. You have such an elegant style, that I'm not surprised. Blessings!

  30. Colleen, this card is very pretty too! Thanks again for joining us over at Stampendous!
