Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Inspired By Stamping Challenge #54 - Daisy Thanks

Welcome, everyone!  Boy, are we ever having a lovely Spring here in the Northeast.  Other than a brief spell where the weather was so stinkin' hot, it's been a true Spring, with moderate temps and cool nights, bright blue skies and beautiful breezes.  Love!  I know some folks like it HOT, but not this girl.  Spring and Fall are my absolute faves.

Glad you popped in, 'cause I'm playing along in an Inspired By Stamping challenge.  I felt like going clean-and-simple, with a bright daisy so reminiscent of summer days to come.

It's got some clear glitter on there...can you see it?  The button is vintage and came from my aunt's stash (thanks, Aunt Kay!).

I traced over the leaves with Glossy Accents, and this pic shows it off best.  The big, bold sentiment is one of my IBS faves from the set Big Notes II.

Enjoy your day, and thank you for your visit!

Stamps:  Daisies, Big Notes II - Inspired By Stamping Paper: green, white cardstock; chevron pattern Ink:  Black, green Fibers:  twine Accessories:  Copic markers; piercing tool; Crystal Glitter, Glossy Accents, pearls, vintage button


  1. Beautiful card Colleen!! Love the cheerful colours... :)

  2. such a pretty CAS card! Love little bits of glitter on the daisy.

  3. What a Fabulous CAS card Colleen ..I love the way you have glittered the flower and added glossy accents to the leaves looks so beautiful !!

  4. This is gorgeous!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee the flower!!

  5. A beautiful card! It suits the color palette to a T!!!

  6. Love the chevrons! Lovely job on the card..

  7. Sunny and sweet, my friend! The hot weather is coming. I'm with you. I like Spring and Fall temps best.

  8. Such a happy card my friend. So glad to hear you are have great weather. I have to agree with you. I don't like it to hot as well. Thats why I can't wait to get out of the desert.


  9. I pop over and you're doing CAS! Receiving this card would be like getting sunshine in an envelope. So very cheerful. We are still waiting for summer to show its face here... but at least the garden continues to grow as if everything were normal.

  10. I hate it hot - I'm like you, spring & fall are the best :) I love how you've coloured the daisy, and the perfect splash of sparkle!

  11. Love the chevron background~ so Springy!

  12. Colleen, this is so trendy and so stinkin' cute! Love the details and colors. Fun, fun, fun. Hugz!

  13. Colleen, this is so trendy and so stinkin' cute! Love the details and colors. Fun, fun, fun. Hugz!

  14. absolutely wonderful....I'm going to try to carve out some time to play along...such a delish color combo!

  15. Gorgeous CAS card, Colleen! Very pretty vintage button! And, love how you glittered the flower! Have a wonderful weekend, hugs!

  16. Oh wow, you just make the most beautiful thing here!

  17. Such an adorable card, Colleen. Good job with the colors on the challenge. I see you even got in some paper piercing. Yea! It looks great!

  18. LOVING the daisy card! Especially since my 1 year old great niece is here visiting and her name is Daisy! And she's as CUTE as your card! LOVE the glitter and the button, too!

  19. So summery and FUN - love the glittery flower and great design!

  20. What a delightful interpretation of the inspiration picture. The design is so cheerful and I love the sparkle on the flower.
    Bear Hugs,

  21. Such a happy card Colleen! I don't like it really hot either. We're in the mid 80's today and expecting 89 tomorrow...UGH!

  22. This is so fresh and fun, I absolutely love it! Brilliant!

    ps: I forgot to say congrats on your Featured Stamper spot. Well deserved!

  23. So sunny and cheerful! I love your pretty CAS creation. And the glitter and glossy accents are super touches. So special!


Thank you so much for your visit today! May God bless you!


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