Sunday, May 5, 2013

Many Thanks & A Communion

Hello everyone!  Mind if I share 5 projects with you today?  Seems I'm churning out cards faster than I can blog about them, one at a time, so let me just inundate you in one post.  ;-)

Yesterday was my niece's First Holy Communion.  I have never made a card for that occasion before, so I turned to Pinterest for inspiration.  I pinned several to my Card Inspiration Board, and chose to CASE one in particular.  Actually, all but one of these cards were directly inspired by cards on Pinterest, and I gave credit in the captions.  (By the way, though I love making white cards, I'm finding it a challenge to photograph/edit them!  Pardon my funky lighting.)

Photo Inspiration, courtesy of Pinterest

What's in it?  Stamps: Notes of Prayer - Verve; Paper: white cardstock - PTI; Ink: Going Gray - SU; Dies & Punches: Labels Four, Labels Eight dies - Spellbinders; corner rounder punch - EK Success; Fibers: white seam binding - Hug Snug  Accessories: amethyst gem brad - SU; Fleur de Lis embossing folder - Cuttlebug  

Photo Inspiration, courtesy of Lynn Mangan

What's in it? Stamps: Trendy Circle Sentiments - Inspired By Stamping; Paper: white cardstock - PTI; Certainly Celery, Mellow Moss cardstock - SU; Paper Girl patterned papers - Girls' Paperie; Ink: Versafine Onyx Black ink - Tsukineko; Dies & Punches: Honeyblossom Sprig die - Memory Box; Large Bird Punch - SU Accessories: Lemon Yellow, Pink Liquid Pearls - Ranger

Photo Inspiration, courtesy of Debby Hughes

What's in it?  Stamps:  Celebration of Thanks - Verve; Fork & Spoon - Hero Arts; Paper:  white cardstock - PTI; Lost & Found Madison Ave patterned paper - My Mind's Eye; Ink: Going Gray - SU; Versafine Onyx Black - Tsukineko; Dies & Punches: Romantic Rectangles die - Spellbinders; Fibers:  twine - SU Accessories:  silver sequins

Photo Inspiration, courtesy of Lucy Abrams

What's in it?  Stamps: Timely Bird - Hero Arts; Celebration of Thanks - Verve Paper: white cardstock - PTI; patterns - SU Ink: Versafine Onyx Black - Tsukineko; Frayed Burlap - Ranger Fibers:  white seam binding - Hug Snug; sheer tan - American Crafts; white twine - SU Accessories:  button

What's in it? Stamps: Clearly For You, Kindness Matters, Four Frames - SU; Paper: Crumb Cake, Whisper White, patterned - SU; Anna Griffin green pattern; Ink: Crumb Cake - SU; Versafine Onyx Black - Tsukineko; Fibers: green ribbon; Accessories: scalloped punch - EK Success; pearls; doily die cut - Martha Stewart; tan doily die cut - Colorbok

I am going to the gym today.  With working every day this past week -- hooray for a paycheck! -- I haven't had time to go, and my body is all cranky and stiff.

Thanks for dropping in!


  1. 5 times Fabulous ! Each of them is so elegant n beautiful .

  2. Fabulous over and over (5 times).

    I love white on white. I spent a loooooooooong time Friday trying to photograph a white on white and never got it white enough. Yours is beautiful. I love the checked bird....wouldn't you know? :-)Plus, another bird card. Wow! You did a great job on all these cards, Colleen.

  3. Wow wow wowwwwwwwwwww! These are gorgeous!!!

  4. Gorgeous cards Colleen!..Each and every one of them looks fabulous...What a treat it has been looking through them! :)

  5. So many fabulous cards, Colleen! Your communion card is to made to perfection - just love the white on white!

    I think you gingham bird is so adorable too!

  6. Colleen it is always a treat stopping by.. your cards are gorgeous..

  7. Hi Colleen, Your cards look amazing Every one of them.

    Happy Cinco de Mayo..


  8. Inundate away -- I love seeing gorgeous eye candy :) Gotta love Pinterest!

  9. Girl you can load your posts with cards any day of the week! I enjoyed each and EVERY one of them! So pretty and full of wonderful details. We had seven little ones recieve their First Holy Communions at Mass this weekend, so sweet!

  10. Always LOVE your card Colleen! Stunning as always :-)

  11. Isn't it awesome when you're creating quicker than you can blog? That always makes me happy :) Absolutely gorgeous cards - and YAY for a paycheck! woot!

  12. Very beautiful cards,Colleen! That is the prettiest communion card I've ever seen! Sweet bird cards! Great job on all theses pretty!

  13. Have mercy, these are all just wonderful! I, too, love an all white card, and yours is positively splendid! I also especially like the card with the gingham bird. It has a real spring in the country look to it. Sometimes it seems like it takes longer to blog about the cards than it does to make them. It looks like you've been having fun!

  14. WHAT!!! FIVE freaking awesome cards! They all are so different from each other, it doesnt look like one person made them! Awesome!


Thank you so much for your visit today! May God bless you!


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