Monday, July 15, 2013

Soft Hydrangea Beauty

Hello my friends!  How are you doing?  This is a weird summer for me, because I'm spending a lot of time cooped up in my bedroom, instead of getting outdoors to enjoy the weather.  I had reconstructive foot surgery on June 25th, and will remain non-weight bearing on it for another four weeks (groan).  Doing stairs is my greatest challenge.  My upper body is getting a good workout, since I use my bottom to go from step-to-step!  Thankfully, I set up some posts ahead of time, and I'm sharing one here today.  Enjoy!

You know how sometimes creativity just won't flow, and other times, it pours out of you as if by some magical force?  I was sitting at my desk, thinking how my mojo seemed to have disappeared, when suddenly this idea popped into my head:

When it was finished, I felt so pleased!  It reminds me of old lace my friend showed me a long time ago.  She inherited the most glorious, handmade, lace-adorned hand towels and bedding from her Italian grandmother's trousseau.  Her Nonna had a sense of elegance and grace that she brought with her to this country.  Her handiwork is truly special, and my friend is very lucky, indeed!

This embossing folder is Frame, Heart & Vines by Sizzix.  Isn't it pretty? I bought it at Hobby Lobby on clearance a few months ago.  The hydrangea is from Inspired By Stamping, and the sentiment is from their Creative Tags set.

This fits into the following challenges (if you S-T-R-E-T-C-H the imagination a little):

My family's been taking good care of me.  See what my girls plucked from the garden to adorn my bedroom?

Here's hoping your day is full of creativity and beauty!

Stamps: Graceful Hydrangea, Creative Tags - Inspired By Stamping Paper: Naturals White, Very Vanilla - SU Ink: Crumb Cake, Basic Gray - SU; Antique Linen - Ranger  Fibers: vintage thread Accessories & Tools: White Opal Liquid Pearls - Ranger; Classic Tags die - Memory Box


  1. WOW Colleen - this is absolutely WONDERFUL!!! It is sooo Beautiful and so You - I'd tell it is a Colleen card from miles away - love your style - hugs!

  2. Another masterpiece, Colleen! Love this!!

  3. OH MY GOODNESS Colleen!!! This is stunning, it captures the story of the lace and your friend's Nona perfectly. Love this one girl...REALLY LOVE this one!!!

    I remember using the ole bottom to get up and down the stairs after my ankle surgery! And I had a chair I would move around the kitchen when I cooked. I would put my knee on it so I didn't need the crutches. Funny the things we do to get our mothering jobs done LOL!!!

  4. Love cream and cream cards and the border on this is just lovely!!

  5. Beautifully soft and elegant card! Thank you for joining us at ATCAS.

  6. You should frame this card. Wow wow wow this is stunning. So subtle and I love the elegant scrolls ( or do you call them flourishes??) and that hydrangea...sigh...
    I'm smitten.

  7. Your design is gorgeous and it does look like embroidery (white on white linen). Oh my dear, I hope your foot heals quickly, I would have a hard time with that type of surgery. But we do what we have to do ! Take good care, Shirleyx

  8. Colleen, this is GORGEOUS! I made a card with that hydrangea today. I agree, your card does remind one of old lace.
    Four more weeks..too bad. You should have had your surgery in the winter. I'm hoping someone is taking care of your garden of flowers.

    Sorry, I couldn't see the Instagram photo. But, I'm sure your family is treating you like a princess.

  9. Wow !! your card is such a stunner Colleen ..I just love the soft shabby chic/vintage kind of look you have given to it does remind of old lace :)

  10. Beautiful vintage type card - great framework and beautiful scrolls~ Thanks for joining in ATCAS! :)

  11. Your card is breathtaking, Colleen, but I'll be honest, it flew out of my mind as soon as I saw those incredible fuschia-colored hydrangea! I've never seen them in that color and I'm star-struck!!

  12. So glad you are doing ok! I have been thinking and praying for you!!! :) I loveeeeeeeee your card!! GORGEOUS!!!

  13. What a gorgeous card! Love how neutral you made it, very classy and sophisticated. 4 weeks will fly by fast and you'll be out an about enjoying everything! Take care =)

  14. Your card has the same elegance and grace as your friend's Noona.

    Lovely and thoughtful bouquet from your daughters. Hope you are up and moving about soon.

  15. love the "flowers need water" one! beautiful design, colleen:) it would be lovely in a pretty frame, too.
    take care of yourself--"reconstructive" anything sounds painful!

  16. Girl I have been an ostrich with juggling tons on my plate, so sorry you have had to have surgery. Boo!

    But your card is stunning!!! Oh my sigh!!! You do flower elegance like no other!

    What a beautiful family you have!!! :-)

  17. You're going to have incredible arms when it's all said & done! And your feet will feel mahvelous! Promise :) It's all worth it in the end :)
    That card is stunning! I'm so glad you planned ahead so we still get eye candy from you, Colleen!

  18. Yikes Colleen-I can picture you getting up and down those stairs as I had the same experience when I had my bunions removed. Necessity is the Mother-of-Invention. I do hope you are recovering nicely!!! This card is so exquisite. White is always so elegant and graceful, you add a little embossing and you get the WOW factor. Geez girl-last year you couldn't breath and this year you can't walk!!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery!
    Bear Hugs,

  19. Hi Colleen. Best wishes for a quick recovery! Being stuck in the bedroom during the warm days of summer is definitely not fun ... but I see that your lovely girls brought some summer into you - the pink hydrangeas are gorgeous! How sweet of them!

    Your card is elegant and sophisticated as usual. Love all the cream with just a small amount of light sponging to give it an aged look. Thanks for joining us at ATCAS. Loll

  20. Such a stunning card Colleen!!! I LOVE the softness and all the details!

  21. Soft and pretty.
    Hope you are recovering well. It's awesome to work the upper body!

  22. Oh hello Miss Mojo! What a gorgeous gorgeous lacy card Colleen!! I'm sorry to hear about your foot though. Take care dear. I'm happy to see that your sweet girls cheered you up with those beautiful flowers.
    Hugs and thanks for your sweet visit and comments :)
    xx Wendy

  23. I spent a day this week at a little historic town, going through antique stores, and a restoration hardware shop. Your card makes me think of an aged piece of tin - how clever to use an off white color with some texture ! I can actually visualize this in one of those shops selling for umpteen $$$, as well as seeing someone from 1890 purchasing it brand new, and being so thrilled. Your talent always has me drooling. Hope you will be better soon - surgery is yukky.

  24. Wishing you a speedy recover my friend. I just love your card. Its gorgeous..

    Take care...


  25. Love your lace inspired card, Colleen.... GORGEOUS!!! That embossing folder is a dream... would love one of those myself but it would have to move onto the want list which is a mile long right now. haha!
    Thank you so much for your kind comments on Wednesday... you certainly made my day!
    Hope you heal up soon and can put some wear on your shoes instead of your jeans.
    Big hugs!!!

  26. Gorgeous card!! Love those swirly die cuts!! Hope you're hanging in there and eventually you will be on the mend (up and about)!!

  27. This is so beautiful Colleen! Love the soft feeling of this card, the perfect embossing and stamping. And the twine just adds that last perfect touch. Thank you so much for sharing with us at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

  28. Love how you used this embossing folder, Colleen! You captured the vintage style beautifully and I can just picture the lace handiwork you mentioned. I also enjoyed reading your descriptions of how this card might fit those particular challenges. Gave me a chuckle. Beautiful pink hydrangeas. Be careful going up and down those stairs!

  29. I had stopped by earlier and before I could comment, I got distracted. BLESS YOUR HEART...having to slide down those stairs~I pray you heal up quick, friend. The embossing on your creation and soft coloring are gorgeous~

  30. Wow - this card is wonderful!!!! So sweet and so vintage looking. Perfect flower for you too. Your girls sound like they are treating you well - the flowers they brought you are beautiful! Hugz!!!!

  31. Oh my goodness Colleen, this is the most perfect, wonderful, exquisite card I have seen in many a year. Bryond beautiful......and then some. Thank you so much for brightening a gloomy winter day. Marion in the UK.

  32. Oh my goodness Colleen, this is the most perfect, wonderful, exquisite card I have seen in many a year. Bryond beautiful......and then some. Thank you so much for brightening a gloomy winter day. Marion in the UK.


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