Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cure For The Monday Blues...on Thursday

When I joined the Moxie Fab Thanks Blog Hop in November of last year, I came to know a blogger named Taheerah just a bit better.  Her creations are so whimsical, and I follow her on Facebook.  Recently, she created a new challenge called Cure For The Monday Blues.  I'm playing in the second challenge, and I'll share the inspiration pic in just a moment.

I created a butterfly-ful baby card, based on the plethora of 'flies I spy on the wall.  I also picked up on the soft peachy pink of the pillow shams, and the general softness of the whole scene.

My chipboard butterfly was wiped with white craft ink, then glittered.  I wish I had painted it white instead, 'cause I'm seeing too much chipboard-color.  Still, I think it is pretty.  The sentiment is new-to-me Papertrey Ink / Think Big Favorites #16.

Snow will be melting around here bit by bit as we are expecting temps in the 50s this weekend.  Though I love snow and winter, even I am ready for a bit of a thaw.  Well, really it's my arthritic joints that are hoping for the warmer weather ;-)

Stamps: Think Big Favorites #16 - PTI Paper: Mariposa Stack - DCWV; white - PTI Ink: Versafine Onyx Black - Tsukineko Fibers: white crochet lace Accessories & Tools: chipboard butterfly - Michael's $1.00 bin; pearls - Queen & Co.; iridescent glitter


  1. That sparkly butterfly is fabulous! Great card.

  2. soooooooo gorgeous!!!! loving that butterfly ... and love your new profile pic!!!!

  3. LOVE that glittery butterfly paired with that FAB paper! Such a Pretty card, Colleen!

  4. Love, LOVE the gorgeous paper, colors, and that fabulous glittered up butterfly!

  5. Love the peach color and that gorgeous butterfly.

  6. Hey there! Great to see you over at Taheerah's. Love your take on the photo. Here's to some warmer days headed your way.

  7. wow, that's so pretty...I love that glitterized butterfly!

  8. Gorgeous card! Love how the glittered butterfly goes so well with all the coloured mini ones.

  9. Soft and feminine! Love that butterfly!

  10. Colleen your butterfly is drop dead gorgeous girl!! This is a PRETTY card!!

  11. So kind and sweet of you to remember me Colleen! Love your butterfly-tastic card - especially that glitter encrusted one!! Thanks so much for playing to Cure The Monday Blues!

  12. How beautiful, Colleen! I really like that gorgeous butterfly and the DP's you used with the lace is the perfect BG for it! Beautiful!!

  13. Colleen this is priceless. And these papers are a wonderful choice for the occasion. Love that glittered butterfly; I don't see much chipboard; just love how it looks!


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