Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Using Up Scraps for a Guy Card

No frou-frou creations here today.  Check back here soon for that!  

Instead, I've got a masculine birthday card for a loved one.  It features pretty much ALL snippets and scraps of Stampin' Up! papers, plus one of their images:

Tried to create a strip of 'washi tape' with paper....not sure if it's convincing, but just humor me.  ;-)  The edges were punched with a Postage Stamp punch to give a torn edge look.  Hmmm...

The fern is from Organic Grace.  I turned up one bottom corner of the image panel, to try to make it look like I just casually 'stuck' this up on the card with the (failed) washi tape.  

As I type this, I am laughing at this attempt of a guy card.  Hope it gave you a little chuckle too!

Stamps: Organic Grace - SU Paper: white - PTI; all patterns - SU Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black - Tsukineko Accessories & Tools: brad and D-buckle metal thing - SU; Postage Stamp punch - Fiskars


  1. I think it is fabulous! LOVING the fern!!!!!

  2. Most people know I refer to them on my blog as DMC (Dreaded Man Card) I just don't have a knack for it. Yours fabulous!

  3. You got this "man" card just right. The faux Washi tape with the postage edge is so cool and the metal is all man. :-) Good job!

  4. It's definitely perfect for a guy card!! That fern image is just fantastic. I love how intricate it is!

  5. I thought it was washi tape! Love the metal embellies!

  6. That metal cutie on the side and patterned papers are lovely. Washi tape is one of my faves; you got me with this card:)XX

    And there is nothing wrong with this attempt for a masculine card. Never, ever underestimate yourselfXXX

  7. I thought that was Washi tape! Love the contrast of the green fern with the browns in the background.

  8. I think the fern and the bit of hardware make a great guy card!! And your paper looks like Washi to me!

  9. We never love our guy cards, do we? However, I really like nature images and browns and polka dots and hardware. That all adds up to I really like your card!


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