Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Big Valentine Parade

One thing I love about winter:  a gal can spend oodles of time indoors crafting, without too much guilt.  No gardening to do, no pool to vacuum and skim, no plants to water.  :o)

And so, I've been holed up in the craft studio a lot.  Here are a bunch of Valentine cards to share as a result:

See that faceted gem nestled in the cluster?  I stumbled upon a few packages left at Michael's the other day, and they were only 79 cents on clearance!  I took whatever they had left.  They are so pretty!

Stamps: A Lovely Birthday - Inspired By Stamping Paper: Real Red, Whisper White, floral pattern - SU Ink: Real Red - SU; Vintage Pink - Prima; Antique Linen - Ranger Fibers: Ash Pink seam binding - Hug Snug / Zipper Stop; pom pom trip - Darice Accessories & Tools: faceted gem - Recollections; corner rounder punch - Fiskars; Fancy Tags Two die - Spellbinders; Copic marker; White Opal Liquid Pearls - Ranger

This next card -- very clean and simple in design -- is for my mom.  She LOVES black and white, and all things crisp and modern (remember the black frame and wreath gift I made for her?  Last one in the post.)  The heart was punched from a Philosophy bubble bath package.  Though the camera didn't capture it, there are polka dots embossed on it.  I could not get a good shot of that.  I added some red Liquid Pearls around the perimeter.  The Hero Arts sentiment was stamped a couple of times in a row.  The relative flatness of this card makes it cheaper to mail to Mom.

Stamps: Everyday Sayings - Hero Arts Paper: Basic Black, Houndstooth - SU; white - PTI; red packaging Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black - Tsukineko Accessories & Tools: Ruby Red Liquid Pearls - Ranger; Full Heart punch - SU

Love how this next one turned out.  The soothing natural tones paired with deep red make my heart go pitter patter.  I used an older Stampin' Up! set, A Happy Heart.

After stamping the large font-filled heart, I layered on some punched hearts, popping up only the center one.

Pearls and lace -- aaaah!

ETA:  I'm entering the above card at Fusion Challenge.  Thanks to my friend Sindhu for letting me know that my card would fit nicely in the challenge. :-)

Stamps: A Happy Heart - SU Paper: Confetti Naturals, patterns - SU Ink: Crumb Cake, Cherry Cobbler - SU Fibers: crochet trim - Hero Arts Accessories & Tools: corner rounder punch - Fiskars; Heart to Heart punch - SU; pearls - Queen & Co., Recollections

After stamping Bella Toile background (SU) on a red card base, I did not want to cover it up too much.

I made the ribbon rosette by using gathered lace, some white thread and a loose stitch along the edge.  After I pulled the thread, it gathered nicely into this little adornment.  Some Verve Small Phrases sentiments tucked under the glittered chipboard hearts will remind my daughter that she is special to us.

Stamps: Small Phrases - Verve; Bella Toile - SU Paper: Real Red, Whisper White - SU Ink: white - Ranger; Memento Tuxedo Black - Tsukineko Fibers: white seam binding - Hug Snug / Zipper Stop; white gathered lace Accessories & Tools: glittered chipboard hearts - Recollections; gold/pearl brad - Bride's / Michaels

Before I go, I want to answer a question that I received on my Bridal Collection post:

Paulette Manion has left a new comment on your post "The Bridal Collection - Part 1": 

Elegance personified! You're sure to wow all visitors to the shop! I am curious: How do these loaded cards fit into an envelope or are they presented another way? 
Yes, making loaded cards does pose a challenge for packaging.  Instead of the standard A2-size envelope, which fits a slim 4.25" x 5.5" card, I use an A6-size envelope.  It measures 4.75" x 6.5".  I count on these larger envelopes for mailing my 'fatter' cards.  I bought mine in bulk from Mark's Finest Papers - A Heinrich Co. a while back, but I could not find this size in their store as I write this post.  Plenty of other sites carry the envelopes, though.  Just search "A6 envelopes" in a browser, and you'll get a boatload of options.

So glad you were able to stay for a little visit.  I hope you have a wonderful day!


  1. Wow you have been busy LOL! These are gorgeous Colleen.

  2. You busy lady you! Great mix of Valentine's/Love cards. Adore the third one!

  3. All are so GORGEOUS! I LOVE Valentine's Day cards! My FAVE is the hearts and lace card ~ SWOON ~ and the red liquid pearls on your Mom's card is a FAB detail, Colleen!

  4. Hard to pick a favorite from all these gorgeous cards Colleen. You sure do Valentine's cards well! Love all the pretty details - especially the bling on the first. Love that your Mom loves crisp and modern and B/W. My Mom loves B/W best too. Hugz!!!

  5. Wow! Every one of these is a fabulous creation! Love them all! I declared yesterday a personal day and, gee, I got one card done. By the time I'd photographed it and wrote a blog post I was done for the day. I really need to simplify somehow.

  6. Wow, Colleen, you are really producing lovely cards. Could you please visit my craft room. I'll have all of it layed out so you can choose!! ;-) These are beautiful!

  7. Beautiful Valentines Colleen, you've been busy! I LOVE the third one, pretty colors and design!

  8. I am always looking forward to be here and see what you have been up to. All your cards are gorgeous but card #3 is my favorite. These neutrals with a little splash of that warm shade of red is just amazing. Love how you topperd it off with lace and pearls.

  9. Wow! Each is gorgeous with it's own special touches!

  10. The advantage of winter - we get to see all these beautiful cards!

  11. Number three is a firm favourite it.
    Hard to think of the cold when we have Summer here and soaring temperatures.

  12. Number three is a firm favourite it.
    Hard to think of the cold when we have Summer here and soaring temperatures.

  13. These are all just stunning, Colleen!

  14. Beautiful creations Colleen..can't choose my favorite!
    Do link your third card to Fusion card challenge #3. Fits perfectly! ;)

  15. What a lovely set of Valentines Colleen! Your Fusion card is lovely with the tan and red hearts - thanks for playing with us this week! (I also LOVE the black frame with the green wreath you made for your mum for Christmas!! Where did you find those lovely candle rings??)

  16. Oh, what delicious Valentine inspiration! Each and every one is just perfect, but the creamy one with the pearls is my FAVE…just gorgeous! Delighted you've joined us at FUSION!

  17. It must be really cold where you have been inside crafting up a storm! I love all of your cheery, happy cards and Sindhu was right...your card is perfect for the Fusion challenge. I love the hearts in different patterns stretched across your card. Great job...liked your card very much!

  18. Wow LOVE all your projects! such beautiful work. Thanks for playing with us at fusion

  19. FABULOUS hearts cards Colleen!! So glad you joined in the fun @ FUSION - hope to see you again soon :)

  20. Congratulations on the HM honor from Fusion, Colleen!! Your art is always fabulous!! Hugs, Darnell


Thank you so much for your visit today! May God bless you!


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