Friday, February 28, 2014

Love Story Wishes

Verve's Love Story is one of my all-time favorite stamp sets.  Since I make so many cards for wedding/shower/anniversary occasions, I need to rely heavily on stamps in this category.  The various sentiments and images in this set make me happy.

I was thinking of "Tiffany Blue" when I chose the paper for this card.  It's from K & Co.'s Elegance Designer Paper Pad.    

The chipboard bird (Michael's $1 bin) was washed with white craft paint.  I meant to glitter him up, but was so immersed in the placing of elements that I forgot.  He looks a bit naked to me.  The fancy frame and sentiment are both from Love Story.

Thank you all for the wonderful comments you've left about my Bridal Collection posts.  :-)  It was so nice reading all the lovely things you had to say!

I'm so glad you came to visit today!

Stamps: Love Story - Verve Paper: kraft, white - PTI; aqua pattern - Elegance Designer pad - K & Co. Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black - Tsukineko; Antique Linen, Frayed Burlap - Ranger Fibers: gathered lace Accessories & Tools: Copic markers; flower - IBS; pearls - Queen & Co.; chipboard bird - Michael's; white craft paint


  1. So gorgeous!! LOVING the bird and that lace!!!!

  2. Oh so pretty Colleen, just love the colours.

  3. A very lovely card, Colleen. I too like that eggshell blue color (and not just on Tiffany boxes, but yes, like those too!).

  4. A very lovely card, Colleen. I too like that eggshell blue color (and not just on Tiffany boxes, but yes, like those too!).

  5. Frilly and pretty Colleen! What a lovely shade of blue ;)

  6. You know I love the bird, Colleen, and the colors on your card are spectacular. It's so feminine with the pretty lace.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. totally gorgeous and I love how you added the lace..

  9. Your wedding cards are always so beautiful, and birds, especially, have a way of gracing up a card. Perfect match on the Tiffany blue!

  10. I think this bird is perfect and I love that flower! A gorgeous collection of wedding cards!

  11. Oooo! Love the Tiffany Blue! Another great bridal creation, Col. You *own* that category!!!


Thank you so much for your visit today! May God bless you!


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