Monday, September 21, 2015

Tie-Dyed Wildflowers

These wildflowers.....well, they kind of look like they are tie-dyed!  I die-cut two Memory Box Honeyblossom Sprigs out of hot pink cardstock, then spritzed them with assorted pinks and purples from Ranger's Distress Ink Sprays.  

I LOVE how they turned out!  I layered one over the other, with the top one slightly askew.  The best glue to use for something delicate and fine like these dies is Ranger's Multi Matte Medium.  Once dry, the glue virtually disappears.

After adding the 'congrats' die (Papertrey Ink) over top of the flowers, the card needed a little something extra.  Onyx sequins from Pretty Pink Posh were the perfect fix:  they add texture in the bare areas, but with a tone-on-tone subtleness.  (I love to do that, add subtlety to things.)

How was your weekend?  Did you do anything that gave you joy?  I had a weekend at home, which is my FAVORITE kind of weekend. :-)  I am a serious homebody, and being in our nest gives me such joy and peace.  I cleaned the living and dining rooms, the kind where you get down on your knees and really do a thorough job.  Can I tell you a weird thing about me?  Cleaning used to be my hobby. Yep, I am strange!  LOL  This was in the days before kids, and before card-making.  You literally could have eaten off of my floors.  hahha!  Nowadays, I don't advise that.  ;-)  

I did spend time in the attic studio over the weekend, too, and did some laundry, and photographed cards and photo-edited a handful. All in all, it was Good.  :-)

Paper: True Black, white - Papertrey Ink; Pixie Pink - Stampin' Up! Ink: assorted pinks & purples Distress Ink Sprays - Ranger Accessories & Tools: Wonderful Words: Congrats die - Papertrey Ink; Onyx sequins - Pretty Pink Posh; Honeyblossom Sprig die - Memory Box


  1. LOVE the flowers! Against the black is gorgoeus

  2. So gorgeous! LOVING those colors!!!!!!!!!!

  3. WOW! Colleen this card is simply breathtaking! The colors are so striking and I love the black sequins and regarding eating off your floor...that is my kind of girl!!! You have no idea how much in common we have :) :)

    Hugs to you my dear and I promise to catch up on commenting on your gorgeous cards :)
    Paper Talk with Samra

  4. Oh my goodness Colleen, your pink flowers look stunning on the black card base!! This is marvelous!!

  5. Wonderful card ..loved how the pink flowers pop on Black bg !

  6. This is just gorgeous, Colleen! Those sprigs really POP on the black, and I love the subtle tone on tone with the sequins. I don't think you're weird at all for loving housework. I used to clean like that and then go from room to room when I was done and just look and admire. I LOVE a clean, tidy house. In more recent years I had a harder time keeping up with it and working, dogs, stamping, garden... Since I retired it has been such a joy to have the house sparkle again and still have time for those other things I love. The other day I did the whole kitchen floor on hands and knees with a Magic Eraser. Yeah... so I can relate. There is no place I'd rather be than home!

  7. A card with a modern but also classic touch. I love your use of hot pink and the contrast with black is gorgeous!

    Speaking of cleaning; I know what you mean :)


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