Thursday, October 6, 2016

Under the weather

Available at Arts Plus Gallery

Happy Thursday, my friends!  We're almost to another weekend...hooray!
Today, I'm sharing a card I made with new-to-me dies from Paper Smooches called Wedding Shower. WHAT.A.CUTE.SET.

There's an umbrella in the die set, along with a heart, a raindrop, and wedding rings.

What I like about that set is that the umbrella can be used for a baby shower creation, or as you see here, in a get well card.  I just happened to have the perfect sentiment (DeNami Design) to go with it.

I paired three fun, bright, cheerful patterned papers (Stampin' Up!), with a kraft card base. I used craft foam under the umbrella's fabric and handle portions.  And for the shaft and handle, I first die-cut them from white scrap cardstock, and then used an 18kt Gold Paint Pen from Krylon to give a beautiful golden luster.  A couple of sparkling sequins stand in for rain drops. :-)

Thanks a BUNCH for visiting me today!
May you be healthy and blessed!

1 comment:

  1. That's the cutest umbrella! I bought an umbrella die (on sale) just for a card like this, and then I don't have the right sentiment to go with it. My die is rather plain, though. Love this one so much more!


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