Friday, March 17, 2017

Soft gray Nature

Monochromatic cards are one of my fave types to create. This one was made for a dear friend.  She decorates her home with bountiful nature, rotating the decor with the season, of course. In summer, there are usually fresh flowers in vases throughout the first floor. In winter, pine boughs grace lighting fixtures, window sills, tables. In autumn, fresh gourds and pumpkins in soothing shades add ambience to the foyer and the kitchen.

For her card, I chose pale, warm grays and used a butterfly (moth?) stamp from Stampin' Up!'s Natural Beauty, colored with Copic markers in shades of gray.

There's a strip of gray velvet ribbon (May Arts) behind the Spellbinder panels, and a snippet of cream crochet lace beneath. And of course, a bit of the plentiful vintage thread I so love to use, topped with a cream button.

Wishing you a most beautiful day!  Thank you for your visit!


  1. Your friend's house sounds so lovely, just like your card. Beautiful soft shades of gray with a vintage look. I do love that silver-gray velvet ribbon.

  2. This is a lovely card Colleen, your friend is going to love it! Have a wonderful weekend!


Thank you so much for your visit today! May God bless you!


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