Saturday, December 14, 2019

Christmas Collection

Season's Greetings! It has been so long since I last posted something here on my blog.  I'm not sure if I'm reaching anyone with this greeting or not, but a big HELLO to you if you're reading this!

Gosh, life sure gets busy, doesn't it?  With work and home and family taking center stage in my days, it's no wonder I get very little time to blog.  I do, however, continue to make cards and love every minute of this wonderful hobby of ours.  The cards I'm sharing today are, ahem, from a year or two ago.  I know, I know! 😬 I'm sorry I don't have the newest cards photo-edited for today's post.

Let's get started with the goods:

Papertrey Ink: Petite Places Nativity stamps, Tiny Tags tag die; DCWV blue glitter paper;
My Favorite Things shiny silver cardstock

Stampin' Up!: Naughty or Nice santa stamp, Stripes embossing folder; Papertrey Ink: Fancy Flakes snowflake die

Tim Holtz: Christmas Miracle collage stamp;
Stampin' Up! holly leaf patterned paper, large poinsetta trimmed from SU patterned paper

Stampin' Up! red felt snowflake; Flourishes Stamps - Warm Winter Wishes mitten stamp; gold doily; red stripe patterned paper (?)

Hero Arts - Merry Christmas Trees tree stamp, Holiday Sayings sentiment stamps; DCWV La Creme patterned paper

Bo Bunny - Enchanted cherub stamp; Avery Elle - Noel-Ellements snowflake dies;
My Favorite Things - Mini Delicate Doilies die

Hero Arts - Holiday Sayings sentiment stamp; Stampin' Up! red felt snowflake, patterned papers

Stampin' Up! - red and white flocked patterned paper; Cuttlebug - Kassie's Brocade embossing folder;
bird Christmas tag
I hope to be back again here soon.  This was fun to visit with you today!  If I don't get a chance to post again before Christmas, let me wish you the Merriest of Christmases!
Remember the reason for the season:

John 3:16 16For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

2 Corinthians 9:15 15 Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!



  1. All of the cards are amazing, whether they are new or old. Thanks for sharing and have a very blessed Christmas!

  2. I'm here and I'm so happy to see all your beautiful cards today. It's like an early Christmas present! As for some of them being a year or so old, many of the stamps and dies I use on my cards are older than that, so these look great to me! Happy holidays, Colleen!

  3. Hey stranger! What a treat to see this pretty line up of holiday cards from you. Each one as pretty as the next! Merry Christmas!

  4. So good to 'see' you again, Colleen! These cards are lovely.

  5. Hello, hello! Nice to see you posting.


Thank you so much for your visit today! May God bless you!


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