Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Mend A Broken Heart, You Are Amazing & Miss Your Smile

Hello everyone!  I'm popping in real quick to share a few more creations that had made their way to Arts Plus Gallery in Collingswood for sale, before the coronavirus quarantine took over.

Unity Stamps Mend Your Heart thimble, needle, sentiment stamps; Gina Marie Designs Eyelet Elegance Rectangle die; Kat Scrappiness Wonky Wavy Stitched Rectangles die; buttons; doily; Spellbinders oval die

Stampin' Up! A Little Smile sand dollar, sentiment stamps; Impression Obsession Starfish stamp; Golden Acorn Scallop Shell stamp; Hero Arts Canvas Stripes Background stamp; pearls; L'il Inker Designs Stitched Rectangle die

Papertrey Ink Happy Hydrangea flower and frame stamps, matching dies, and Pen & Ink sentiment stamp; Sizzix/Tim Holtz Bricked embossing folder 
Since my last post, a lot has taken place here at home.  I cleaned every item in my china cabinets, and shined up the glass shelves and polished the wooden ones.  That is a HUGE undertaking.  I rarely do it because it is so time-consuming.  But, it's finished now, and will hold me for a while. 😀  I am also polishing some silver items like baby cups, a few special spoons we have in our kitchen drawer, and water pitchers.  Again, time-consuming, but worth it to me.  Also I cut a lot of fabric on Sunday, to make face masks for me and my family.  GOSH that took a lot of time!  Next I need to sew the straps, and then the masks.  It's slow-going, because I am still working.  And finally, we had a pretty bad water leak under our kitchen sink early Sunday morning.  It flooded the cabinet, and then across the kitchen floor, under the refrigerator and stove, and seeped into the basement and SOAKED floor joists, board games, cabinets, storage tubs...it even got into our dryer!  Unbelievable.  That was not a good way to wake up Sunday morning.  I had plans for a relaxing day, but that was not to be.  Our insurance company sent a clean up team right away, and we've got big loud fans and dehumidifiers in the kitchen and basement.  Our kitchen Pergo floor is a little buckly (I made up that word), so we may need to get a new floor.  And we just had that installed a year ago.  OH WELL.  Could be much, much, much worse!  It's just an inconvenience, after all.  😏

Other than that, this is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it!  Psalm 118:24

We are here, we are healthy, and that counts for so much. 💖


  1. Oh, goodness! That is not a pleasant thing to wake up to on a Sunday morning! I sorry that happened, but glad your insurance company was able to move on it right away! And yes, you are so right. In the grand scheme of things, although it's a pain, it's manageable, it's not the most important thing in the world. This pandemic has certainly reminded us of what's truly important.

    As to the cards, super cute (as always)! It's tough to decide which I like the best (because they're all so cute), but think I'd have to choose #2 on this batch.


  2. OH NO!!! That water leak damage just makes me cringe!!! Yikes, I guess it could have been worse! Meanwhile, your cards are adorable...I just LOVE the sewing-themed one! Sweet!

  3. Three more absolutely wonderful cards! The first two really grab me. The first one is so sweet. Your story sounds like a horror to me. What a bummer! Really sorry about your floor, too. If it's buckley it definitely needs to be replaced.


Thank you so much for your visit today! May God bless you!


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