Saturday, June 12, 2021

A Trio of Cards, No Common Theme!

Hi again! 👋 I've got three cards to share in this post.  There's absolutely no common theme, except that they were made by me (ha), and you know I generally like to cluster my cards together in a theme, if at all possible.  Not possible here!  LOL

The first card I made for my in-laws' anniversary either last year or the year before...I think last year?  They are REALLY GOOD COOKS (and my mother in law is an amazing baker, too).  So, this seemed like an unconventional but whimsical anniversary card for them.

Close To My Heart Tasty Treats sentiment; Memory Box Classic Tags die; Jolee's Boutique stickers; Stampin' Up! Hardwood background stamp; crochet lace

The next card I sent to my youngest daughter while she was still away at school.  She has taken an interest in growing plants - among them, succulents - and when I received one of my fun Stampin' Up! scrap bags, this cute succulent paper was in it.  Perfect!  I found a Power Poppy sentiment to go with it.

Power Poppy Summer Berries sentiment; Stampin' Up! Ornate Frames die; Inlovearts Heart Clover Wave Frame Border die; pearls 

And lastly, this was truly made up of scraps.  LOL  The sentiment, the punched flowers, the velvet ribbon snippet, and that Altenew leaf cluster stamp...they were all lying around on my desk for a good while.  I was determined to use them up!

Hero Arts Sending Smiles Messages sentiment, Leafy Vine background stamp; Stampin' Up! Itty Bitty Accents flower punch; pearls; Altenew Build A Flower: Rose leaf cluster stamp; gray velvet ribbon  

Thanks for your visit again!  😀
God bless!


  1. Au contraire, they DO all have a common theme...loveliness! Beautiful cards all, Colleen!

  2. You're on a roll! These are all terrific, Colleen!


Thank you so much for your visit today! May God bless you!


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