Thursday, August 26, 2021

Sending Hugs from the Cat

One more for today. 😀  Believe it or not, that first girly card was for my husband's birthday...from our cat, Cristabel.  She always 'makes' him a card.  I start running out of ideas, honestly.  I had an idea to feature a kitty that kind of looks like her (she's all black, but I had to color gray or you would not see the face!) along with a tumble of flowers.  It's cute, but definitely not masculine.  LOL

Stampin' Up! Nine Lives cat, ball of yarn, little hearts, Punch Potpourri flowers, Boho Blossoms coordinating punch

The second creation is a simple encouragement card using stamps I rarely play with.  I also used a piece of patterned paper from Stampin' Up! - and I think it might be Kiwi Kiss, so that shows you how old it is.  I am entering this in Word Art Wednesday's challenge #505-506, where we are to use an uplifting sentiment.

Papertrey Ink Graceful Greetings II sentiment; Stampin' Up! Garden Silhouettes solid flower stamp, Organic Grace dragonfly; ivory dots 

Our world is full of sorrowful news, and I am saddened by it.  I place my concerns in my Lord's hands, and ask Him for help.     

John 16:33 NIV
33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


  1. These are both so precious! About the kitty card...I don't think there is such a think as masculine and feminine anything anymore. The lines have definitely blurred. Cristabel was sweet to send it and I know your husband loved it. The hugs card is wonderful, too. Love, love, love that mossy green color and I can never resist a dragonfly (in French they're called libellule, which sounds so much prettier). Hugs!

  2. Cristabel did a wonderful job on her card, love those blooms! Two terrific cards, my friend!

  3. What a cute card. I love the Bible verse. Have a beautiful weekend.

  4. I love the card from Cristabel! Our LuLu has been known to make cards for the guys in our family and they're always rather girly, too. So cute! I'm very drawn to the green card, all cool and earthy. I love how you've stamped on the lightly patterned paper. The whole card is very calming. Good to see you today, Colleen!


Thank you so much for your visit today! May God bless you!


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