Friday, November 5, 2021


Hello friends, I'm back again with another post.  I was able to get a bunch of card photos edited and some draft posts begun.  Makes things a little easier.

As I mentioned in my previous post from today, I've got more surgery to face soon.  My medical team is trying to prevent me from needing chemo (radiation and hormone therapy are still necessities, though).  I tell you, having cancer is such a humbling experience.  I am in control of NOTHING.  This is completely out of my hands, and totally in God's.  He is directing my steps, and providing my medical team with the knowledge and skills they need to treat me.  My job is to move forward, do the "work" (surgeries, treatments, medications, etc), and trust in Him.

Fittingly, I had made a card months and months ago that says, "Hope".  And, what do you know, it's in pink.  The sentiment is from a PinkFresh set called, Walk By Faith, and that is exactly what I am doing.   It's a perfect card to share right now.  I have hope.  I am overwhelmed at times (often!) by what is happening, and how many appointments I have, but...I have hope.  

PinkFresh Studio Walk By Faith sentiment; Inspired By Stamping Summer Flowers lily; Sizzix / Stampin' Up! Large Paper Doily Sizzlit die; ivory dots; crochet lace

When I made this card, I pulled together odd bits to make a cohesive card.  The text background is from packaging from a Girls' Paperie stamp set.  It was much too pretty to throw away.  And if you can see it, there's a mauve doily diecut tucked under the crochet lace.  That had been hanging around my desk for too long!  

I am entering this card in a challenge, at Little Red Wagon - #626 So Very Thankful.  I am beyond thankful for HOPE.

Thanks for joining me friends!  I so appreciate your visits!


  1. Keep the hope, Colleen! A beautiful use of those bits and pieces that fell together beautifully!

  2. Never lose that hope and faith Colleen, it will get you through anything. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers, my friend. Now about your card, beautiful!

  3. I can't even imagine, Colleen, but I know how strong you are and you'll put one foot in front of the other and get through this. Your card is fitting and beautiful.

  4. Colleen, I'm so glad you have shared your card and a bit of your story with us. Your card (and post) is beautiful and I'm sure reflects the soul that created it. Hope and faith will see you through the tough times for sure. Praying for your healing and comfort. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Little Red Wagon Challenge this week!

  5. Oh my goodness, I have been very remiss in not reading your blog and finding out about your cancer! I will be praying fervently to guide your doctor and all the medical personnel to the very best treatment! Thank you for sharing your "hope" with us!! Hugs to you!


Thank you so much for your visit today! May God bless you!


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