Friday, January 7, 2022

Very Victorian

Happy Friday!  Popping in real quick to share a card with a Victorian flair.  I'm entering it over at NBUS Challenge # 34 -- I used a new-to-me-but-really-old gardening book to create my card.

Anna Griffin flowers in urn; Inspired By Stamping Vintage Postcards postmarks;
paper flower; brad; pearls

The gardening book was a great deal (maybe $3) and will provide a lot of fun 'patterned paper' for the days to come.  

Our Christmas decorations are still up.  Last night we took the ornaments off the tree, so that will come down soon.  Slowly I will put away the other things.  Life is going to be especially busy the next month and a half, and my energy may wane.  Have to remind myself to take it easy, take it slow, and rest often.

Hope to be back here on the blog again very soon with another card or two!

God bless you! 


  1. Beautiful card, Colleen! Love it's elegant 'shabby chic' look. Yes, do take care. No need to over do it. Everything you have to do you will do eventually, no reason to feel you have to rush.

  2. Gorgeous! I haven't made anything shabby chic for a while and you've inspired me! I know I have a book around like that somewhere!

  3. $3, what a great find! This is pretty, Colleen! Continued prayers, my friend take care.

  4. You do this style so beautifully, Colleen! A great idea to use pages from the gardening book as background paper! Love the flowers in urn!

  5. What a gorgeous Victorian card, Colleen! You have captured that era so perfectly and my imagination immediately pictures the lady who would have happily received it back in those times. It is a gift! Thank you for inspiring everyone at NBUS! Happy New Year! Hugs, Darnell (p.s. Sometimes it helps to hear our own words repeated back to us so I will end with: take it easy, take it slow, and rest often. xoxo)


Thank you so much for your visit today! May God bless you!


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