Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Inspired by an Ice Cream Ad

Okay, this goes to show you that inspiration for a card can truly be found anywhere!
Check out this magazine ad from Skinny Cow, the 100 calorie ice cream:

See those little birds near the bottom, with a heart over their heads?  I saw that and thought, "Bird Punch!"  I even tried to copy the colors, but adjusted them a little so I could play in a challenge.  :)

I chose the colors based on the EtsyInspired Challenge #97, "Mermaid's Tears Jewelry", a fabulous jewelry website using only real sea glass, which you can find here
The pieces of jewelry I was inspired by are these:

 Such soft, pastel shades on these pieces.  Sigh.

I think I will give this card to my hubby. He sure deserves a handmade card from me, just because - no occasion necessary.

Thanks for looking at my ice-cream-inspired card!

Happy Stamping,

Paper:  Almost Amethyst, So Saffron, Bashful Blue, Whisper White
Punches:  Heart to Heart, scalloped circle, extra large bird punch, two-hole punch, 1/4" circle, EK Success border
Other:  dimensionals, Big Shot, embossing folder (on scalloped circle), Zig 2-Way Glue Pen, pearls


  1. Very sweet (lol get it?) card Colleen! now my kids are bugging me for ice cream though... doh!

    I've been meaning to get that punch too... love it! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Beautiful work, Colleen! Love how you incorporated the birds and the colors are lovely : )

  3. Well done on the challenge! Love the birds you created and I'm sure your hubby will be thrilled to get a "just because" card :D

  4. Sweet, and sweet. I read magazines all the time and rarely see anything that inspires me. Hmmm . . . gonna have to change that. I've got to be reading with my Colleen glasses on. That should do the trick. Just wait, I'll be whipping out the inspiration right and left then ;) Seriously, this is such a pretty card. I love your sea glass inspiration for the colors. I love the Etsy Inspired challenges, don't you? Beautiful work, girlfriend!!!

  5. WOW--three inspiration photos! Never thought of that--great idea!! LOOOOOOVE this card! Beautifully done!! Thanks for joining in the fun at EtsyInspired:)

  6. Those love birds are just too sweet ... love the colors and the embossed texture ... fabulous inspired card.

  7. Your bird card is SO Sweet!I love the details and color combo! Thanks for playing with us at Etsy! Hope to see your fab work again!
