Thursday, August 25, 2011

Play Date Cafe 96

Mint, ivory and coral - our colors this week at The Play Date Cafe....

Our sponsor this week is Market Street Stamps, who graciously allowed our design team to pick out their fave stamp.  I chose Vintage Wallpaper:   I just adore anything damask.  :)

Had a bit of trouble finding mint in my stashes....but finally found a K & Company package insert that came with some stickers I'd recently bought.  I used that, and punched a border with it.  Don't throw away your pretty packaging!  LOL

The background was stamped in Groovy Guava - remember that SU color?  The accents on the bird sticker matched PERFECTLY. 

Go see the other luscious creations our DT has cooked up for you this week.  You might just be inspired to play along with us!  The Cup of the Week winner will receive TWO background stamps! 

Thanks for joining me today.  :-)


Stamps:  Vintage Wallpaper - Market Street Stamps
Paper:  Very Vanilla - SU; mint packaging from stickers
Ink:  Groovy Guava - SU; Antique Linen Distress - Ranger
Punches:  Double Embossed Dotted Lace, Dotted Scallop - EK Success; Quilted - Martha Stewart
Other:  Big Shot; Floral Doily Motifs die - Spellbinders; pearls; dimenionals; ribbon - vintage


  1. Great use of the colour challenge. that damask is gorgeous and loving the punched layers. Lovely card :)

  2. Beautiful, Colleen! I love everything about it...the border, the bow, the pearls and that fabulous damask image!

  3. WOW!!! Your card is AMAZING. LOVE everything about it!

  4. Colleen this is amazing. What a beautiful color combination and image coordination. Just love that damask stamp you used especially in that color ink. The layers look spectacular. A creative beauty!

    Bear Hugs,

  5. Oh, I certainly love damask and I certainly love Groovy Guava! This card came together wonderfully, Col..the colors are just right and you've added just the perfect dash of accents! The pearls are simply delish!

  6. Thud....the bird did me in. JUST GORGEOUS....I want to inhale all the colors & elements on your card. Can I come to your house & play some time?

  7. That has to be the most gorgeous bird ever! Great take on the colors and wonderful inspiration. Gosh, I hope I have time to play at PDCC this week.

  8. Wise pick - that background is beautiful! And not that I am telling Mother Nature what to do but a bit of glitter on birds is fabulous :)

  9. That card took my breath away! It gives off such sweet and warm vibes. Cool, a beautiful and great card that can invoke emotions too.

  10. I still love Groovy Guava! And I love this beautiful card; so feminine and elegant!

  11. Oh, how pretty Colleen. Love the soft colors, the pretty bird image... that background is lovely. Love the shabby feel to it. :o)

  12. OH MY! I just love that you used cream and white together--I never think about this combo--but oh my! I can tell you that this ribbon on that border punch--AMAZING! LOVE the background stamp--WOW! What a fab stamp to receive! BEAUTIFUL all around:)

  13. WOW!!! Your card is just gorgeous.. those colors are beautiful.. I love everything about this..

  14. Ohh. my. gracious. I did not realize initially that the background was STAMPED. Beautiful. Happy almost Friday, Colleen... and thanks for the Gaga love. ;)

  15. This is beautiful. I just love these colors, I'll have to play along this week! Your card says it all ... gorgeous use of the color challenge! Thanks for sharing..

  16. Great job! Matching the colors up was amazing! Everything looks so great together just sort of calming. I always have troubles with those big background stamps but you did an amazing job. Groovy guava - go figure! Love the border and those pearls are a great touch. It is just so realistic. Great job!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    P.S. you could always spoil it and use the happy bird-day stamp from one my first SU stamp sets!

  17. Lovely, Colleen. The white of the pearls, punched border and ribbon has such a chic and calming look on that fabulous mint color... this is beautiful!

  18. Super sweet card Colleen!! The bird and the pearls are so sophisticated!!! Thanks for all your nice comments on my blog. Have a great weekend!

  19. LOVE LOVE LOVE this Col!!! LOVE that stamp too....Oh I see a MSS order happening soon LOL!! Thanks for the beautiful inspiration!!!

  20. A super lovely card, Colleen! The background is so so beautiful! And the bird image is too sweet! Very pretty pearls and border too for a perfectly put together card!!! Take care, hugs!!

  21. I love damask too - this is a gorgeous card and love all the detailing on your elegant card!!

  22. So so pretty Colleen and So so You! Love the Damask! Always love looking at your beauties!

  23. Brilliant idea to use the package insert. Gorgeous background! Everything flows together so well, Colleen. ;)

  24. how incredibly stunning! your cards always are SOOO different from each other and always oozes class!

  25. Oooo! So gorgeous! I must agree! LOVE what you've done with it, too! And such a perfect take on the color story!

  26. Oh my Colleen, there's something dreamy and romantic about this card! Love the sparkly bird and the sweet pearl accents!

  27. Such a beautiful card Colleen! Pretty background!

  28. Colleen, that background stamp is just too cool! I also LOVE the birdie image! This is truly a GORGEOUS card!

  29. Colleen, that background stamp is just too cool! I also LOVE the birdie image! This is truly a GORGEOUS card!

  30. Colleen, you're really batting a thousand! I've had the most lovely visit here today. Groovy Guava never looked so gorgeous, and your salvaged packaging turned into a beautiful focal point. Wow!

  31. Love what you did with the vintage wallpaper stamp and that bird sticker looks fantastic on this card :)

  32. Pure elegance Colleen! Just love how you've done the border too, so very pretty!

  33. Oh, so GORGEOUS!! Great job picking out that lovely background stamp for yourself. You rocked the colors, too!

  34. Did you know that STUNNING also means

    S swoon; you make me swoon

    T talent; you are amazingly talented

    U are such an inspiration :)

    N no doubt about that (hee hee)

    N never cease to amaze me

    I in awe....

    N new idea

    G GORGEOUS card!

    Well; that's all for now :)

