Thursday, August 25, 2011

Prayers Are With You - Inspired by a Pillow

The East Coast is bracing for Hurricane Irene this weekend, and even though we are an hour from the shoreline, our area is still in a danger zone.  Sheesh, an earthquake earlier this week, and now this! 

Before the storm hits and we lose power, I wanted to upload this post and play in yet another challenge, this time at CR84FN.  Check out their color story:

Ah, so sweet!  Love those soft colors together.

I was inspired by a pillow I saw in Somerset Life Magazine, Spring 2011, page 53.  Artist Alice M. Wingerden created many pillows made with burlap and other materials, such as this one:

If you love beautiful photographs of beautiful things, you'll want to visit her website, Thoughts From Alice W.  It takes my breath away!  I highly recommend a visit. 

Back to my card.  It's simple, but very much inspired by Alice's pillow --

I used Stampin' Up!'s old background stamp, Canvas, to decorate the kraft portion to look like burlap.  The light yellow patterned paper is retired SU, and my daughter gave me a piece of her own stash to use.  Thanks, Haley!

The flower is built from petals that had fallen to the sidewalk outside of a local craft store, where I helped "pick up the trash" for the storeowners.  ;)  I added a pearl brad.

More new Verve goodness.  :)  This is from Notes of Prayer.  LOVE it.

Thanks so much for joining me today.  I appreciate every single visit and comment, subscriber and Follower to my blog.  You all make me happy!


Stamps:  Notes of Prayer - Verve; Canvas background - SU
Paper:  Crumb Cake & Whisper White cardstock, patterned paper - SU
Ink:  Versafine black - Tsukineko; Crumb Cake - SU
Punch:  Doily Edge - Martha Stewart
Other:  flower petals; pearl brad - Bride's; pom pom trim - Wright's; pearl


  1. Love how you've "recreated" the pillow Colleen! The burlap panel looks wonderful and what a sweet daughter to help her mom out with that snippet of paper ;)

  2. This is fabulous, Colleen!! Just love your insp. piece and how you used it. The canvas BG is perfect and your flower is great! Hmmmm...going to have to do some petal clean up myself LOL! Great touch with the pompom row. You rocked this one big time :)

  3. Ahhh...a dream in yellow! So many gorgeous details...the doily lace border and pompom trim, the lovely pearlized flower and the beautiful sentiment! I have to agree about the Verve certainly ARE workin' it! Hope everything is ok where you are, the authorities are instituting a mandatory evacuation of LBI tomorrow at 8am, so it looks like I'm gonna have the weekend off. Hope there's a pharmacy there next week when I get back! :(

  4. Ooh, so soft and yummy delicious. I love that beautiful yellow and the pretty trim. Picking up scraps from the sidewalk, huh? I guess get those crafting supplies where you can. LOL Your flower is gorgeous.

    Stay safe, Colleen! Sounds like a bad weekend for a lot of people. You and your family will be in my prayers.

  5. Love that beautiful yellow paper! The pom pom trim is so sweet!

  6. That card is soooo beautiful! Thank you for sharing... I am so inspired to try it.

    Take care... I am praying for all of my east coast friends and family. Pat K.

  7. Gorgeous card. Love the burlap on kraft and the flower you upcycled.

  8. Your card is stunning! I love the CAS look. Beautiful interpretation of the pillow.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Gorgeous, Colleen! Hope you weather that storm okay! BTW, you've got some spam comment here too!

  11. What a beautiful pillow! Makes me want to sew again, almost! I love the quiet simplicity of your card. Take care my friend. I pray that Irene doesn't do any damage to you.

  12. Pretty and delicate! Hope you all stay safe from the storm.

  13. This is gorgeous. I just love where you got your inspiration. I do hope you are safe from the storm. That is pretty scary stuff..

    Hugs, Linda

  14. Ah, what a beautiful CAS card, Colleen! I love the soft beauty of your card with the lovely paper, pom pom trim, border, and flower! Thinking of all of you on the east coast! Hoping and praying for all to stay safe! Take care, hugs!:-))

  15. Gorgeous, Colleen! I did love that color combo when I saw it at CR84FN, and you've done a superb job with it.

  16. Stunning card Colleen, love the soft feel of it!!! I hope you are going to be OK with the hurricane coming - it's even making news here in Australia! God be with you all!!

  17. WOOOOOOOOOOWZA! What a gorgeous set of colors and a BEAUTIFUL STUNNING SUPER PRETTY GORGEOUS card! I love the soft colors and the way you were inspired! LOVE LOVE LOVE:) Took my breath away--WOW!

    Be safe:) Hugs to all!

  18. This is just fabulous! You have such a classic, sophisticated desig style Colleen. I love checking in on what you're up to.

    I'm on the Connecticut coast and, like you, hoping Irene isn't as bad as they are predicting. Stay safe!

  19. Wow! Colleen, this card is GORGEOUS! LOVE the papers and the pom poms and the pretty flower! THX for playing with us at CR84FN!

  20. Wow Colleen I think it is safe to say this is one of your best.It is certainly one of my favourites so soft in every way. I used your flower tutorial ...and they came out fab. How do you post your cards with these large flowers?In a envelope box ..If this is a duhh question sorry but i would really like to know.
    Hope you are all safe and sound

  21. i know! What is up with the east coast! Wasn't really thinking too much about the storm until we got that email last night from the town about the storm shelters. Stay safe!

    LOVE this! That yellow against the kraft is absolutely gorgeous! Beautiful card, Colleen!

  22. Very pretty! Love the lacy scalloped edge! Thanks so much for joining along with CR84FN :)

  23. Girl this is amazing and you ALWAYS blow me away with your inspirations! I love that you share them! I am also amazed that you have such crafty goodness that reflects the inspiration! Pure awesomeness! Hope you are ready! So far we just have light rain!

  24. oh my god! this is so simple, so elegant, so ethereal! LOVVVVEE it! Took my breath away, such soft colours. Beautiful Colleen!

  25. This is so beautiful, I love all the old S.U. background stamps, and the dp is so pretty with kraft.

  26. LOVE the sweet simplicity and elegance you've tied into this one, girl! Simply put... BEAUTIFUL!

  27. This is stunning Colleen! Love the softness and that beautiful flower! So glad you were able pick up the trash! LOL! I hope you and your family are safe. I was thinking about you as the hurricane left us and went up the coast! My family always worries about me in NC this time of year, this week I am more worried about everyone up North! I was thinking the same thing, an earthquake and a hurricane in the same week! Too much!

  28. Beautiful in every immaculate detail! Your reconstructed flower turned out fabulous!

  29. Wow, sheer elegance, Colleen! You captured that pillow perfectly with this lovely creation. The pom poms are a fantastic touch, and I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who "helps" pick up the trash at times. ;)

  30. I am so so thankful that I discovered your blog. Colleen; this is another jaw dropper. The way you get inspired and turn it into this... my oh my.
    Yes; I'm a follower. But above that; I'm a fan!
