Friday, February 14, 2014

Thank You, Hallmark

This is my second post for today.  Please click HERE for 'Love On The Line.'

The deadline is fast approaching to play in the challenge at Wplus9, 'Step It Up.'  

I just received new Wplus9 goodies in the mail the other day, before our big snowstorm hit (we got 10" here).  That meant I just had to play with them while we were snowed in.  ;-)

Fresh Cut Florals has been on my Wish List for some time.  Finally, I've got it!  The sentiment and leaves, stamped in Sage Shadow, are from that set.  The clear die floral die cut is, I believe, from Martha Stewart.  My daughter had a pack of these and while cleaning out her room, donated them to me.  Yay!

This hand-trimmed butterfly is from a Hallmark card that I held on to, because the 'flies were too beautiful to throw out.  There's texture and glimmer on here, and it's hard capturing that in a photo.

A couple more challenges to put this into:  CASE Study.  

I liked the general layout, and followed along with that....which leads me to a similar layout at Fusion.  I was inspired both by the sketch AND the inspo picture:

Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!  Oh, and if you're interested, the majority of commenters voted the top photo in THIS post as their favorite choice out of the two.  Thank you for letting me know, everyone!

Stamps: Fresh Cut Florals - Wplus9 Paper: Pretty In Pink, Whisper White - SU; polka dots - rescued from somewhere Ink: Sage Shadow - SU; Memento Tuxedo Black - Tsukineko Fibers: pink twine - American Crafts Accessories & Tools: butterfly - Hallmark card; clear floral die cut, Double Arches punch  - Martha Stewart; pink gem - Queen & Co.


  1. That's beautiful Colleen, and a great bit of recycling with the butterfly! So gorgeous and spring like! Hope your snow clears soon.

  2. Love this card, Colleen - you pulled all these elements together beautifully!

  3. Beautifully done, Colleen! Wowee on the butterfly!

  4. So bright and happy, Colleen! These colors are so spring-y. I love that you rescued that pretty butterfly from a Hallmark card!

  5. This card is screaming spring:). Gorgeous colors and design.
    Stay warm and make cards:)
    Have a lovely weekend!

  6. Gorgeous, Colleen! After seeing this, I can believe that spring could be right around the corner!

  7. Very pretty Colleen, it's so fresh and springy!! Happy Valentine's Day ;)

  8. Hi :) Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I love your card fabulous colours and great dimension for the step up challenge.
    Kate xx

  9. This is truly gorgeous, amazing and so bright and lovely. It also reminds me of the current Case study, should link it there too, and the design you have at the top of your card, the placement of the lovely butterfly, fits so well at the Case Study challenge, !!! Thanks so much for joining FUSION!

  10. I love Sage Shadow and your sweet flowers are just lovely. The b'fly is awesome.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    You really did get a lot of snow. It snowed here two days and we probably got somewhere between 1/4-1/2" total. Ha But, we are promised a day or two of a 70 degree temp next week.

  11. Just beautiful! Love it when we can recycle bits and pieces from old cards-even store bought ones. No snow here, sunny and 73 degrees! Sending warmth your way.

  12. Way to be inspired by challenges - awesome recycling image for sure! Happy Heart Day to you and your's~

  13. Beautiful, like a breath of Spring!! Great way to "recycle" with the awesome butterfly!!

  14. Lovely card, Colleen and a lesson in upcycling cards given to us. I agree, the butterfly is just too pretty to toss.

  15. That butterfly is Gorgeous! Love your pretty colors together!

  16. Of course you had to save the butterfly! What a beautiful card it helped you make. Love the colors and that border along the top. So pretty!

  17. Oh I love the flowers and the great design, this is so beautiful

  18. What a great idea to save that pretty butterfly!!! Beautiful card, Colleen! So glad to have you with us again at FUSION!!!

  19. Wow! That butterfly is gorgeous and I love all the sparkle and shine!

  20. What wonderful use of your "snowed in" time! This card is gorgeous, Colleen! Thanks for joining us at Fusion!

  21. Sooooooo pretty!
    Thanks for studying with us on CASE Study this week! :)

  22. Love how happy and spring-like this is! Let's hope that the real Spring takes notice and you stop getting so much snow! Thanks for joining us at CASE Study this week :)


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