Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mojo Monday 221 - 'Amour'

Are you enjoying this holiday week, everyone?  I sure am.  I've been relaxing a lot, with a little entertaining mixed in.  While Christmas is my favorite time of year, it absolutely kicks my butt.  I am the total 'Santa' package in my house:  shopping, wrapping, cards, baking, decorating (I leave the outside to my husband, though) leaves me drained of energy when it's all over.  I still love it, though!

This week I made 5 projects to submit to the Paper Crafts Submission Call, all in one day.  You should give it a try!

And yesterday I found time to play in the Mojo Monday challenge.  Here's the sketch:

I used two stamp sets:  SU's Artistic Etchings (the Eiffel Tower and 'Amour') and Girls' Paperie Paper Girl (clock, crown, bird) and the My Mind's Eye Lost & Found Union Square paper pad (BIG bargain at the craft store before Christmas) to create this 4.25" square card.

I experimented with these paper Prima Wildflowers:

I wanted to create black flowers for my card.  First, I used a Basic Black ink refill (16 drops) in a small amount of water, and let them steep.  They looked too gray to me (top flower in photo).

Then on another white flower, I sponged on Basic Black ink, and got a richer tone (bottom flower).  I combined the two with a button for my flower cluster:

I'd like to say a special hello to my new email subscribers and followers - thank you SO much for finding me. :o)  I hope you enjoy what you see, and I'm glad you are here!


Stamps:  Artistic Etchings - SU; Paper Girl - Girls' Paperie
Paper:  white base - PTI; Lost & Found Union Square - My Mind's Eye
Ink:  Versafine Tuxedo Black - Tsukineko; Cherry Cobbler, Crumb Cake, Sahara Sand - SU
Other:  Prima Wildflowers - white; twine - SU; button


Stacey G.-2 Craf-t-4u said...

This is so pretty Colleen! Love the colors and the whole French Country look! So creative with the flowers! They are great!

Pauline said...

What a gorgeous card Colleen, so glad you found the time in this busy festive season to create this beauty! Love the rustic feel to this and how fabulous you created your own coloured flowers! Happy New Year! Xx

Lesley said...

Cool flowers you created, thank you for sharing how you made them. Your card is lovely, the collage stamping is perfect!

Bev J. said...

Like the collagey look of your card-the flowers turned out very nice-tfs.

Crafty Lein* - enjoy creativity said...

Colleen, this is wonderful!! I love the Eiffel Tower, I am totally crazy about this since I was little. What an amazing stamp this is. I have many stamps of the Eiffel Tower, recently I am saving them...
Your card is really FAB.!!!

Love from The Netherlands,

Marisa said...

Great card, Colleen :) Your flower looks fabulous. I hear you re: the Christmas crash. We've had jammie day the past two days as we were all so exhausted. Company was gone and the puzzles were calling LOL! Enjoy the rest of the break :)

Unknown said...

i love this! i never know what to do with flowers...i'm always at a loss. you've made beautiful work of them here. i'm sure you'll have a few cards picked up for publication. :)

Bonnie said...

Love that flower with it's button center. Get some rest friend. As much as I love it, the holiday leaves me wiped out. And have a cold to boot. I'm looking forward to another long weekend!

Linda Callahan said...

Love how the flower turned out! Tres chic! And I hear ya about the complete exhaustion that follows Christmas~!

Unknown said...

Another gorgeous card.. Good luck with you submissions.. I am positive they will use them. You cards are always wonderful.

Hugs, Linda

Benzi said...
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Benzi said...

Gorgeous creation, Colleen! I love the two toned flower and that pretty checked bird.

I've just about got all my decorations put away and the house cleaned and straightened. Whew, what a chore!!!!

Emily Keaton said...

So chic, Colleen! I love what you did with those Prima flowers. You made the perfect accent for your card!!

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

WOOOOW! 5 cards in one day for a submission call?? I wish I could think of something!!!

BEAUTIFUL card--love that flower!!! You ROCK:)

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Oh what can I say... a beauty!!!!

Kelly said...

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas...the best in 2012! I'll be back after the 1st of the year to see what you've been up to!

Donna B. said...

Wow. That is just a beautiful card Colleen. I love the papers and how you placed the stamps and the flowers! I can't believe you made 5 PC cards in one day! So far I've made one and it required my cricut and took my hours. I think I'm the slowest card maker ever these days!

Maria said...

Love your card, Colleen! Fabulous Parisian theme, love it! And, great effect on those flowers, great idea! Wishing for you a happy and healthy New Year! Take care, hugs!!:-))

Unknown said...

Fantastic card Colleen! I just love the subtle colors. I like what you did to the flower. It turned out perfect!

Anonymous said...

Fun card! Love the flower with that background paper especially! I was thinking sort of a french country type as someone said. I was going to come up with something goofy like "ooola-la eeehaaaw" for you - oops, I guess I just did type it. I think I need to go to bed - I was already tired and then reading about your holiday - I really need to get some sleep. I guess I am not one to party on New Years Eve either. Anyway, I wanted to wish you and your family a Happy New Year!

Chris R. from Iowa

P.S. with all the R-presidential wanna-bes running around our state - I should have stopped Ricky Perry or Ron Paul and asked them how to really spell "eeehaw!" At least the CNN truck finally left - it was parked across the way from our house.

Shirley said...
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Shirley said...

How totally creative, Colleen! Love what you did with your DP's and the flower is awesome. I buy white for that very reason and forget to use them!! Wishing you and yours a Very Happy Healthy New Year!!!

Andrea Ewen said...

Downright regal colors, beautiful...or as they say in France... c'est magnifique! Or, in english...I LOVE IT!

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