Friday, December 13, 2013

Merry Christmas Tree

Good morning all!  I'm sharing a Christmas project that's got personal meaning for me.  I created a wooden ornament for my church's display board, and used Inspired By Stamping's Holiday Ornaments set.

In our church, the Christmas trees in the sanctuary are decorated with Chrismons (the word is a combination of Christ and monogram).  The ornaments are traditionally white and gold.  To see a photo of a real tree with Chrismons, click HERE.   

I began with a wooden tree ornament and coated it with acrylic craft paint.

Using Holiday Ornaments, I stamped a bunch of images on white cardstock and heat-embossed them in gold.  I fussy-cut each one to add to my tree.

Using clear-drying craft glue, I added my "Chrismons" to the tree.  A scattering of pearls made it onto here too, 'cause I just love me some pearls!

The 'star' at the top of the tree is not a star at all, but a pretty snowflake from Elegant Christmas Sentiments.  I stamped it in a pale gray, then coated it with a glossy glue for dimension and shine.

I love that Holiday Ornaments set, and my favorite way that I've used it so far was this card from last Christmas:

Thanks so much for joining me!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

This is gorgeous!! I love love love the gold and the pearls!!!!!!!!

Benzi said...

Very nice of you do to for your church display. I had not heard of a Chrismos tree and took a look at the 'real' one. Very pretty! Great job you did with a lot of cutting.

Lisa Elton said...

What a pretty little tree Colleen! Love the gold ornaments and pearls!

Bonnie said...

One of my fondest church memories is decorating the Crismon tree and being involved in making the beautiful beaded ornaments! I love these sweet little gold ornaments and white pearls. What a lovely tree!

I hope you are enjoying preparations for the holidays.

Crafty Lein* - enjoy creativity said...

Embossing is always sooo beautiful, I love you tree!! And the card with the window is also very very lovely.

With love from The Netherlands,

Leslie Miller said...

How pretty with the mini-ornaments and pearls. I enjoyed the second look at last year's lovely card, too.

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