Sunday, November 19, 2017

Long post with lots of cards - part 2!

Hey!  I'm back with another big batch o'cards to share.  And this is probably it for a while, until I can catch my breath again!  Christmas is coming, and you know how busy that can be.  {smile!}

Thanks so much for taking a look.  Not too many words in this post, just lots of cards!

Alrighty, that's it for now!  Wishing you a wonderful week ahead, and once again, Happy Thanksgiving!  God bless you all.


Lisa Elton said...


Leslie Miller said...

Fantastic! Thank you for making my morning more delightful, and you have a happy Thanksgiving, as well!

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

OMGosh these are so fun, I love the "she said yes", perfect paper and design

Paperesse said...

What a treat I've had today, seeing three posts in a row full of cardmaking goodness!!! Thanks for sharing with us, Colleen, and again, Happy Thanksgiving and all joy to you and yours for a Happy Holiday season ahead.

Marisa said...

You have been busy behind the scenes! Great mix of cards!! Love 1, 3 7, 14. Hope all is going well with you and hubby is all healed up and back to full mobility. Hugest of cyber ((hugs)) my friend ♥♥♥

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