Sunday, October 14, 2018

Help! I lost my Pinterest Pin It / Save It button on my pics!

Hey guys,

I lost my Save It / Pin It buttons that would appear on each photo on my blog, when you hover over them with your mouse.

I don't know what I did to delete that, and I'm having trouble getting it back.
HTML is not a language I understand!  LOL

Anyone able to help walk me through this?

Thank you!!


Lisa Elton said...

Sorry, I have no clue! Try to google it, that's where I get so many answers!

Leslie Miller said...

I'm looking at this in Chrome and I do see the button, so maybe you fixed it or it's specific to your computer/browser. I'd have to Google it. Sorry!

Paperesse said...

Hey Colleen, try this one, it might help. Just don't forget to back up your blogger template before you make any changes:

Happy Autumn!

Paperesse said...

Oops...I agree with Leslie. For me the Pinterest hover button appears on your images in Chrome. Guess I should have checked that first before leaving my previous comment.

lisa808 said...

It is showing for me too!

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